The Work We Do- Agriculture
True community outreach means creating opportunities and spaces to go out into the community and bring the community together. REDEEMED Projects features several main projects that occur annually and throughout the year which do just that: bring people together around food, fun, and services. See Below for the list of projects that REDEEMED engages in day in and day out.

Resources, Economic Development, Education, Entrepreneurship, Mentorship

Park Pride: REDEEMED
Adopted Parks
Park Pride’s Adopt-A-Park the Gorden White Park was adopted by Redeem projects It was organized by West End neighborhood watch NHW, to clean up abandoned lots. and nearby parks The Holderness and Lucile fruit Orchard ready to eat fruit trees and Gordon White Park Community urban Garden open to the Public to pick

Want to Support REDEEM PRJOECTS?
There are two main ways to help out! Click below to sign up for Volunteer service or support our projects through financial support (all donations are tax-deductible)!